[EM-Ventures – GRAB] Joining Hands with GRAB for “Building Bridges to School”

On December 15, 2020, in Hanoi, the Vietnam Children’s Fund (BTTEVN) and Grab Vietnam Co., Ltd. organized a workshop to review the “Building Bridges to School” project – Year 1. The event was attended by Ms. Nguyen Thi Ha – Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs; Ms. Nguyen Thanh Thuy – Deputy Head of the Government’s Party Committee Office; Mr. Luong Hong Quang – Head of the Commendation and Reward Department, Office of the President; representatives from BTTEVN, Grab Vietnam, and related government departments.

The purpose of the workshop was to evaluate the results of the project after one year of implementation, identify the advantages and challenges faced during the project, and plan for more effective future implementations.

Mr. Hoang Van Tien, Director of BTTEVN, praised Grab Vietnam for their efforts in providing financial support for the construction of bridges, meeting the essential needs of students and the community. These bridges help shorten the distance to school for children and facilitate transportation and daily activities for the local residents. Grab’s involvement in this project demonstrates the company’s responsibility towards the community.

Ms. Dang Thi Thuy Trang, Director of External Affairs at Grab Vietnam, expressed joy in successfully implementing the “Building Bridges to School” project, especially amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a total of 5 bridges constructed in 3 different provinces across the country, the project has met the practical needs of the local communities, connecting thousands of students to schools and facilitating the daily lives of hundreds of thousands of people who need to cross rivers and streams for trading and other activities.

After receiving a basic assessment of the first year of the project from an independent evaluation unit representing BTTEVN, the plan for the second year of the “Building Bridges to School” project was presented at the workshop. The opinions and feedback from local authorities and other participants were taken into account to improve the effectiveness and practicality of future projects.

Furthermore, at the workshop, the opinions of local government representatives, project beneficiaries, and delegates were taken into account and acknowledged by the BTTEVN Foundation and Grab Vietnam. This feedback will be used to enhance the effectiveness and practicality of the next project.

The “Building Bridges to School” project is a collaborative effort between Grab Vietnam and the community, contributing through the Vietnam Children’s Fund with a budget of 4.66 billion VND for the first year. The project aims to construct bridges in rural, remote, and disadvantaged areas to improve transportation accessibility, boost regional economic development, and provide safe and convenient access to schools for students. The project is also aligned with the government’s National Target Program for Building New Rural Areas.

After over a year of implementation, Grab Vietnam, through BTTEVN, has successfully constructed and put into use 5 community bridges in 3 provinces (2 in Vinh Long, 1 in Tien Giang, and 2 in Ha Giang), benefiting approximately 2,700 children. In the second year, the project plans to construct 3 more community bridges in remote and disadvantaged areas with a budget of approximately 3 billion VND.

Grab Vietnam is committed to continue supporting BTTEVN in building more bridges in difficult areas. This commitment is part of Grab’s mission to contribute to the community in Vietnam through technology, improving the quality of life for all citizens and actively participating in the country’s socio-economic development.

According to the cooperation agreement, BTTEVN and Grab Vietnam will jointly implement the transportation bridge project (including rigid and composite bridges) in certain locations where travel conditions are difficult over a period of 3 years.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Ha, Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, directed: “We request BTTEVN to continue implementing and developing the project to benefit more students and people in need.”

The Party and the State always pay special attention to children, especially those in poverty, disadvantaged areas, and with special circumstances, aiming to improve their living conditions, integration, and development. In times when the country’s budget for children in difficult circumstances is limited, the BTTEVN follows the motto of “EFFICIENCY – TRANSPARENCY – TIMELINESS – PARTICIPATION” to call for assistance and cooperation from organizations and individuals, both domestically and internationally, to support children in need, especially those in poverty and difficulties, in realizing their basic rights and providing them with equal opportunities and a better quality of life.”

(Excerpt from the Vietnam Children’s Fund)